Global Co-operation House , 65-69 Pound Lane, Willesden Green, London NW10 2HH
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्: कहा जाता है सारा विश्‍व ही कुटुंब है, तो आईये हम सभी मिलकर विश्‍व शांति के लिए 1 घंटा योग साधना करें।  साथ ही साथ अनुभवी योगी के प्रेरणादायी अनुभवों का आनन्द लें।  
Join us for an evening of guided meditation commentaries in Hindi with visuals and devotional songs to give loving vibrations to our world family. Let us meditate together to spread God's elevated vibrations to transform the world.
Guided Meditation and Inspirations by Sister Jagruti.
Third Sunday of every month
Meeting ID: 990 9901 2708 | Passcode: peace

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